Monday, August 2, 2010


OK reader(s) I need your help.  This has crossed over from insane to suicidal.

I set out on my run today and only got to about mile one and my knee pain became excruciating. I walked the next half mile and decided to turn around. I only logged 3 miles today. I have never had much knee pain or back pain.  Now that I am running.  I have it all. So I need your help runners, if there are any reading this. I am convinced I am doing something wrong here beyond my incorrect decision to run.  What is it? My stride? Insufficient conditioning? Should I not be eating Big Macs when I run? My shoes? It's your turn to chime in here if I am going to survive the remaining 182 miles.

The knee that is hurting is my duck foot leg. when I walk and stand, one of my feet points about 10 degrees out. I also understand the mechanics of the issue.  You balance a chubby gut over a compromised goofy joint and there is going to be some extraneous pressures.

I also need you the reader's help in another way.  I need as many people as I can to follow this blog. Become a follower.  It's easy, it's fun and you won't hate yourself in the morning. I am asking a sponsor to support my self inflicted torture and the more followers I have the more impressive my request will be. It's the least you can do if I am going to be doing all of the running for you.  Thanks, your a peach!


  1. I think your pain is a direct result of how you wave your arms all around when your running. You should pump your arms to keep forward momentum, not to swat every bug within a 15 mile radius...just sayin. Also, one thing that REALLY helped me when I was running is to get a nice pair of 'heelies'. You just run to get up to speed, and then inertia, gravity, and the grace of god take over.

  2. I know you are trying to get your 200 miles of running done with as soon as possible, but part of your hurting issues is that you are running too much to start with. For your body to learn how to manage your running you are supposed to start slow and build up your mileage gradually. (i.e. not running 5 miles at the very beginning of your running.)
    Make sure you have good shoes for your stride (you can go to a running shoe store and they'll watch you run and help you know what you need.)
    I don't know a lot, but I like to listen to the podcast Marathon Training Academy. They have good info. You don't have to run a marathon, and the co-host doesn't like running either, but is starting to run anyway.
    Good luck. I love reading your blog!
