Monday, August 16, 2010

The good, the bad, the ugly

Well, I am 40 miles in. 1/5 of the way done. How is it going so far? Do I love running yet? Is it paying off? I think you will all be astonished, as I am that today's run wasn't all that bad.  My legs were not burning. My breathing was a comfortable rhythm of steady and deep breathes. I was never winded. I picked a conservative pace and just chugged along.

For the first time, without aching legs, I was able to open up a long stride and maintain it. What happens when you take bigger steps? Where do our legs bend?  They bend where they join the hip bone.  This joint causes a pivot point. A pivot point that causes both legs to cross paths in opposite directions, right around the upper, inner thigh.  A location where I have a bit of flab. Both legs slapping back and forth against each other.  Mix in a bit of sweat.  Skin gets sticky.  Sticky skin causes friction.  Friction causes heat.  Heat causes burns. burns remove layers of skin. When layers of skin are removed, bleeding occurs.  OK, so I didn't bleed, but I did cause some burning and took off a few layers of skin.  This happened suddenly at about mile 4.  I walked the last mile, very gingerly. Just when I think I have overcome another treachery of running, I discover another one. I like the way the miseries of running continually morph and reinvent themselves into completely new and unplanned pains. Ain't running fun?

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