Friday, July 23, 2010


Today was AWESOME!  I loved it!  Running is so much fun! You should try it!  Nah... just kidding. Same old death trod today.

On the positive side, I did shave an additional 5 minutes off the run again.  I am down to a 13 minute mile average. The run was also an additional 20% less sucky from last time.  I have several thing to merit this to.

1. Podrunner  a free music mix podcast for running.

2. My body has figured out that the longer it can endure running, the sooner we get home and can stop running.

4.  A new running technique I am trying.  You see, I have giant, Wilt Chamberlain legs.  If you were to look at me, I would look like a baby perched on top of some stilts. I have a 34 inseam and size 13 feet.  I am 2 or 3 inches taller than my wife, but when we sit down, she is 3 or 4 inches taller than me.  I went and tried on backpacks at an outdoor equipment store.  The clerk tossed a women's pack on me and the shoulder straps arched 2 inches above my shoulders.  The clerk shrieked "Wow! you do have a short torso!"   In theory, if I let my gait stretch out into long strides, I should be able to cover some serious grounds.  The problem, I have found is that my muscles are not conditioned to that sort of movement.  A few hundred feet and my legs are screaming for divine intervention to stop this inhumane torture... well, more than they usually are.

I started my run an hour later, so I encountered more traffic.  I found it interesting to watch the faces of the people as they drove by.  they all seemed to be merrily motoring along to work, listening to their favorite zany insane morning DJs who were playing the fart song of the day when suddenly they spotted me.  Their cheery smiles dropped to a look of horror as they looked into my eyes.  They all seemed alarmed.  Some of them checked over their shoulder and looked to be calling 911.  I feel awful running, but I must look like I am ready to keel over with a big ol' fat, Cheney heart attack or something  While a cardiac arrest would certainly afford me some solace from my torture, it hasn't happened to me yet.

Well, I will see you tomorrow.  I gotta starting taping my nipples.  I think I can feel my heart beat in them right now. I don't think that is good. Either that or I need to start wearing a sports bra. More to come tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sterling! And thanx for the blog! Very entertaining! Just keep pushing it over the hump. Once you get over the hump running gets lots easier! It can even give you a natural high! Let us know if you ever hit that natural high!:) Its proven! Here is some articles on it.:)

    Good luck! May the force be with you!

