Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why run?

There are those -- the hardcore runners, who I can only assume hate themselves, that eat so that they can run wherever they want. I however, find the only benefit of running is that I could eat whatever I want.  That is why I ate something like 12 pounds of tiny spicy chicken last night.  If you think that eating a plate of food that weighs the same as a large baby and then going for a run the following morning is a bad idea... Then you sir or ma'am would be absolutely correct.

When you run, your body hurts. Your legs, your knees, your feet, your back, your stomach, your head and your arms. When your intestines toss a complaint onto the heap, you hardly notice.  Fortunately, I was able to take a few deep breaths and keep on running despite the kettle ball of Chinese food clanging around in my gutty works. Today's run, ranks about a 3 or a 4 on the suckiness scale. I even felt good enough on the last 3 blocks to open up into a full run from my usual lumbering shuffle of a jog.

My usual course is currently closed to the public due to the fact that it parallels a river that has transformed into a raging torrent that has glutted itself on a plentiful spring runoff.  I have had to follow a 3 mile loop through the neighborhoods around my house. Despite going on several runs last week and one thus far this week. I am only on mile 70 of my 200 goal. Running is getting easier, but let's be perfectly honest -- running, it just ain't no fun.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Season 2

Stupid global warming. After what must have been 29 months of cold, snow and wet weather, I relate to this commercial way more than I am comfortable divulging.

With delirious confusion I located the most unused item in the house, my running shoes before my body realized what we were up to and could formulate a reasonable excuse to not run. In my book many things qualify a "reasonable" excuse to not run.  Too dark, too bright, too cold, too hot, too rainy, too arid, too early, too late, too sleepy, too awake, too busy, too bored, too omelettey, too um... tofu-ey.

Today I staggered onto the porch with two new weapons.  New running shoes and a new running partner.

Kylee. This is her begging for mercy/playing dead when I suggested we go running. She must have felt it was too lay in the grass and watch birds-like today to want to run.  I don't blame her.

1.5 miles into our run I decided that even with new shoes and a running partner that literally pulls you along, running still was no fun. Armed with the excuse that I didn't want to "over do it" I turned around and made it a 3 mile day. Kylee is sitting in the back recuperating, drinking copious amounts of water and sulking because I didn't let her smell that cat crap and eat some of that skunk carcass.  I now hold the opinion that dogs are much smarter than people give them credit for.  Even Kylee almost instinctively knows that smelling crap and eating skunk carcass are better alternatives to running.